Before buying a day ticket you decide which validity it should have. The MVV area is valid for all ticket offers in tariff zones
- The M-Zone encompasses the entire city of Munich and in part extends beyond it
- The Zones 1 - 12 comprise the interconnected districts belonging to the MVV area
- Munich Airport is located in Zone 5
- On the network plans, each stop is also marked with the corresponding zone (e.g. Harthaus in zone M - 1)
For the desired day ticket, the corresponding area of validity must be selected on the basis of the desired relations, e.g. Zone M for journeys in the city of Munich or Zone M - 5 for journeys from the airport to the city of Munich and for journeys in the city of Munich. In principle the following applies: In the zone tariff, i.e. single tickets, strip tickets and day tickets, at least zone M or two tariff zones must always be paid; this is the basic price for these tickets.