We are happy to answer your question . In the selection below, you will find a list of frequently asked questions and related answers regarding MVV-OnlineTickets sorted by topics.
The OnlineTicket is a ticket in PDF format that can either be printed or used directly on your mobile device. You have to take it with you when travelling by public transport (MVV) and present it to a ticket inspector on request.
You can buy your OnlineTicket on the MVV website - either by directly using the ticket shop or by selecting the ticket via the MVV journey planner. The journey planner will recommend the best ticket for your requested trip. In the ticket shop, simply add one or more tickets to the shopping cart. Please complete the purchasing process by entering your personal and payment details (with or without registration). The ticket can be downloaded as a PDF file and used printed out or directly on a mobile device.
The following tickets are currently available as OnlineTickets: Day Tickets (incl. the CityTourCard, the München Card, the AirportPLUS-Tickets, the Bicycle Day Ticket and the Oberland-MVV-Ticket). Single tickets, the Stripe Ticket and weekly/monthly tickets cannot be purchased as OnlineTickets.
The registration for the OnlineTicket takes place via the ticket shop by entering your name, date of birth, address and e-mail address, as well as a password. The customer account can be used for both the OnlineTicket and the MobileTicket.
Yes. This is possible if you pay by credit card or Pay Pal.
No. If you have already registered once, this registration is valid for the MobileTicket as well as for the OnlineTicket.
For group tickets, only one name has to be on the ticket. This ticket holder must always be part of the group and present the ticket in an inspection. The names of fellow travelers do not have to be on the ticket.
Yes, you can. You will have to enter the full name and the date of birth of that person when purchasing the ticket. In the event of a ticket inspection, the ticket owner has to present the ticket (paper printout or PDF) and an official photo ID (e.g. identity card, passport) on request.
All OnlineTickets can be purchased up to 30 days before the first day of travel.
You can pay for the OnlineTicket via direct (for a bank account within the European Union), credit card payment (Visa, MasterCard, American Express) or PayPal. Customers who are not registered can make a one-time purchase of an OnlineTicket directly by credit card or PayPal.
You can change your payment data when purchasing a ticket online. The payment data can also be adjusted in the online shop at any time. Therefore, please visit www.mvv-muenchen.de/ticketshop, log in with your usual login data and select “Means of payment” on the left side.
This company is a German financial services provider that processes all payment transactions for Mobile- and OnlineTickets on behalf of the Münchner Verkehrs- und Tarifverbund GmbH (MVV).
To ensure that no one misuses the SEPA Direct Debit Payment with stolen or falsified data, you must identify yourself when registering your bank account details. This is done once via your online banking with the so-called "Bank-Ident" procedure, which is provided by Verimi. Please have your online banking access data to hand.
We hope you understand that we can only offer the SEPA Direct Debit Payment if you have successfully identified yourself. If you are unable to identify yourself, please use another payment method such as credit card, Apple Pay or Google Pay.
If you need help with the verification process or have any questions, please contact our financial services provider LogPay directly:
LogPay Financial Services GmbH
Customer Care & Services
06196 8012 702
Direct debits for online tickets are always triggered by our financial services provider on the next working day. If necessary, several orders are combined. Depending on the bank, the debit will then appear on your account with a time delay. Due to holidays and weekends ,the transaction may not appear until several days later.
When you first enter your credit card information, your details need to be verified. The data is sent to the card issuer and the amount of 1 EUR is requested and authorized. This will usually expire within two weeks and the money will not be taken from your account.
All OnlineTickets you purchase are listed in your customer account. Here you can print out the invoice for any tickets you have purchased. Please visit the page www.mvv-muenchen.de/ticketshop, log in with your usual login data and select “Previous Orders” on the left side.
OnlineTickets cost exactly the same as regular tickets purchased at ticket machines, sales points, kiosks and on MVV regional buses. Reducing the fare of OnlineTickets and MobileTickets would decrease the overall fare income. This loss of fare income would have to be compensated by additionally raising the ticket prices for all MVV customers.
In the event of a ticket inspection, the OnlineTicket as well as your official photo ID (e.g. identity card, passport) have to be presented. The inspector will scan and automatically check the barcode on the ticket with an electronic device. If you fail to present your ticket or ID, you will be liable for a penalty fare.
OnlineTickets are personalized tickets, meaning they also feature the customer’s name. In order to make sure that the passenger’s name is identical to the name stated on the ticket, you must carry an official photo ID (e.g. identity card, passport) with you on your journey.
There are several ticketshops and apps within the MVV. Your username and password is only valid for one of those shops. If the login does not work for the MVV-Ticketshop, it is likely that you are registered with the ticketshop of Deutsche Bahn: Ticketshops
Please use the online shop you are registered in or set up a new account.
This problem is usually caused by the settings of your internet browser. Please adjust your internet browser’s settings to allow for automatic fowarding. For any further questions, please contact kundendialog@mvv-muenchen.de.
If you are not sure about your credit card's secure code or if you have any other problems regarding this, please contact your credit card provider.
You can change your personal data when purchasing a ticket online. The personal data can also be adjusted in the online shop at any time. Therefore, please visit www.mvv-muenchen.de/ticketshop, log in with your usual login data and select “Personal Data” on the left side.
If you wish to delete your customer account, please contact kundendialog@mvv-muenchen.de.